Be proud, be grateful !

2020 had been a year we never ever dreamt off, so many different things, different experiences.

We came across a new disease, we came across a new way of living life. We figured out so many hidden talents with in ourselves.

Some of us didn’t know our capabilities and capacity of managing work, house, children & our Husband together under one roof. We also didn’t know that the men were really good with Children, Grocery Shopping & house hold work. So many new ventures came up. Businesses took a different turn for some people upwards and for some downwards.

We all dedicated work to each other and worked accordingly in full style, stayed indoors for months together and survived happily.

Our children never dreamt of studying over the screens, where we earlier had a barier for screentime, now it had become mandatory for us to give them screentime.

Children never thought they would have to stay away from their friends, from parks, from play areas from shopping malls from schools for so long.

They still managed and survived. It obviously was tough and is still tough on them as the younger kids started throwing tantrums which sometimes because intolerable and the elder kids got affected with boredom which inturn made them phone and TV addicts.

What did Avisha do during the lockdown & the Year 2020 ?

Avisha being a happy and active child would love stepping out meeting new people going to new places. The first quarter was fun as her cousins kept coming home and she also could go to her Nani’s house for a long stay.

The second quarter was when everything changed and we were stuck indoors. Partial reliefs were there, work from home started so that’s when even when she wanted people to play with her at home they couldn’t and it took a troll over her.

So We somehow managed to do a lot of activities which she enjoyed let it be indoor play or outdoor play. We would also go to the terrace and play. This way we managed the second quarter.

The third quarter when there were certain things permitted, we were allowed to go to office, we were allowed to step out with certain time restrictions was the main problem, as all of us got busy with work. Office work, house work etc, we couldn’t give her time, she was left with noone to play, she would play alone or just loiter around the house. So what happens when a child’s energy is not utilised in a right way ? They start getting destructive, which is destructive for us but innovative for them.

This is the phase when a child becomes hyper, they stop realising the difference between good and bad, because they just want to keep themselves occupied. They entertain themselves.

Children got affected a lot because of this, their temper tantrums, their stubbornness, their Crankiness increased to next level and some of us really felt like there is no way out to this as a lot of people were stuck indoors alone for months.

This was also the time when online classes were introduced to children. Not being aware of the teachers as it was a new school and the new methodology she wasn’t interested in school as well. So not forcing her for it, I just ignored her classes.

We would still do certain activities to be in flow with what she should learn at this age.

It was during the lockdown that I conceived and being in my first trimester the mood swings, the lock down had taken a troll on me, and I would get really moody and cranky towards everything which included her as well.

As days went by things got better, people were getting used to the new Normal, people learnt to live with Covid, we also went for a small weekend getaway though with fear but still it was a huge break for us.

The last quarter felt like we were living a normal life by moving around everywhere, except for entertainment but still just going for drives would soothe us and make us happy.

The reason why I’m writing this post is for Avisha to know when she grows up that this is how life was in 2020.

How her life was during the pandemic, how did she survive, what impact it left on her and what helped her overcome it.

It is really important to be patient with children, we don’t really know what impacts our mistake brings in to their life, their nature and their well being. It can leave a mark for life. The abandonment of Covid is still an impact on her, her social skills have gone for a toss.

We as parents should have a control on our emotions, whatever we do however we react to our children, they are going to learn the same thing. They will replicate what they see. If we shout at them they are going to shout, if we hit them they are going to learn that as well.

Talking to them making them understand things is what helps with them, this situation, this age of theirs would never come back again, so it’s on us if we want to enjoy this phase with them or just crib over it and lose this age of theirs.

Time is what our children need, it’s the cheapest best gift that we can give them which no toy/thing can replace.

Now while we think of this, it feels like a distant dream and we’ve overcome it. Be proud of yourself. You survived the pandemic. A hit that we’ll never forget.

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